
Unidata Python Workshop


  • Teaching: 20 minutes
  • Exercises: 10 minutes


  1. What are arrays?
  2. How can arrays be manipulated effectively in Python?


  1. Create an array of ‘data’.
  2. Perform basic calculations on this data using python math functions.
  3. Slice and index the array

NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things:

  • a powerful N-dimensional array object
  • sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
  • useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities

The NumPy array object is the common interface for working with typed arrays of data across a wide-variety of scientific Python packages. NumPy also features a C-API, which enables interfacing existing Fortran/C/C++ libraries with Python and NumPy.

Create an array of 'data'

The NumPy array represents a contiguous block of memory, holding entries of a given type (and hence fixed size). The entries are laid out in memory according to the shape, or list of dimension sizes.

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# Convention for import to get shortened namespace
import numpy as np

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# Create a simple array from a list of integers
a = np.array([1, 2, 3])

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# See how many dimensions the array has

In [ ]:
# Print out the shape attribute

In [ ]:
# Print out the data type attribute

In [ ]:
# This time use a nested list of floats
a = np.array([[1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]])

In [ ]:
# See how many dimensions the array has

In [ ]:
# Print out the shape attribute

In [ ]:
# Print out the data type attribute

NumPy also provides helper functions for generating arrays of data to save you typing for regularly spaced data.

  • arange(start, stop, interval) creates a range of values in the interval [start,stop) with step spacing.
  • linspace(start, stop, num) creates a range of num evenly spaced values over the range [start,stop].


In [ ]:
a = np.arange(5)

In [ ]:
a = np.arange(3, 11)

In [ ]:
a = np.arange(1, 10, 2)


In [ ]:
b = np.linspace(5, 15, 5)

In [ ]:
b = np.linspace(2.5, 10.25, 11)

Perform basic calculations with Python

Basic math

In core Python, that is without NumPy, creating sequences of values and adding them together requires writing a lot of manual loops, just like one would do in C/C++:

In [ ]:
a = range(5, 10)
b = [3 + i * 1.5/4 for i in range(5)]

In [ ]:
result = []
for x, y in zip(a, b):
    result.append(x + y)

That is very verbose and not very intuitive. Using NumPy this becomes:

In [ ]:
a = np.arange(5, 10)
b = np.linspace(3, 4.5, 5)

In [ ]:
a + b

The four major mathematical operations operate in the same way. They perform an element-by-element calculation of the two arrays. The two must be the same shape though!

In [ ]:
a * b


NumPy proves us access to some useful constants as well - remember you should never be typing these in manually! Other libraries such as SciPy and MetPy have their own set of constants that are more domain specific.

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In [ ]:
# This makes working with radians effortless!
t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4)

Array math functions

NumPy also has math functions that can operate on arrays. Similar to the math operations, these greatly simplify and speed up these operations. Be sure to checkout the listing of mathematical functions in the NumPy documentation.

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# Calculate the sine function
sin_t = np.sin(t)

In [ ]:
# Round to three decimal places
print(np.round(sin_t, 3))

In [ ]:
# Calculate the cosine function
cos_t = np.cos(t)

In [ ]:
# Convert radians to degrees
degrees = np.rad2deg(t)

In [ ]:
# Integrate the sine function with the trapezoidal rule
sine_integral = np.trapz(sin_t, t)
print(np.round(sine_integral, 3))

In [ ]:
# Sum the values of the cosine
cos_sum = np.sum(cos_t)

In [ ]:
# Calculate the cumulative sum of the cosine
cos_csum = np.cumsum(cos_t)

Index and slice arrays

Indexing is how we pull individual data items out of an array. Slicing extends this process to pulling out a regular set of the items.

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# Convention for import to get shortened namespace
import numpy as np

In [ ]:
# Create an array for testing
a = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4)

In [ ]:

Indexing in Python is 0-based, so the command below looks for the 2nd item along the first dimension (row) and the 3rd along the second dimension (column).

In [ ]:
a[1, 2]

Can also just index on one dimension

In [ ]:

Negative indices are also allowed, which permit indexing relative to the end of the array.

In [ ]:
a[0, -1]

Slicing syntax is written as start:stop[:step], where all numbers are optional.

  • defaults:
    • start = 0
    • end = len(dim)
    • step = 1
  • The second colon is also optional if no step is used.

It should be noted that end represents one past the last item; one can also think of it as a half open interval: [start, end)

In [ ]:
# Get the 2nd and 3rd rows

In [ ]:
# All rows and 3rd column
a[:, 2]

In [ ]:
# ... can be used to replace one or more full slices
a[..., 2]

In [ ]:
# Slice every other row

In [ ]:
# Slice out every other column
a[:, ::2]

In [ ]:
# Slice every other item along each dimension -- how would we do this

Plotting with Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.

The first step is to set up our notebook environment so that matplotlib plots appear inline as images:

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

Next we import the matplotlib library's pyplot interface. This is a MATLAB-like interface that makes generating plots relatively simple. To shorten this long name, we import it as plt to keep things short but clear.

In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Now we generate some data to use while experimenting with plotting:

In [ ]:
times = np.array([ 93.,  96.,  99., 102., 105., 108., 111., 114., 117.,
                  120., 123., 126., 129., 132., 135., 138., 141., 144.,
                  147., 150., 153., 156., 159., 162.])
temps = np.array([310.7, 308.0, 296.4, 289.5, 288.5, 287.1, 301.1, 308.3,
                  311.5, 305.1, 295.6, 292.4, 290.4, 289.1, 299.4, 307.9,
                  316.6, 293.9, 291.2, 289.8, 287.1, 285.8, 303.3, 310.])

Now we come to two quick lines to create a plot. Matplotlib has two core objects: the Figure and the Axes. The Axes is an individual plot with an x-axis, a y-axis, labels, etc; it has all of the various plotting methods we use. A Figure holds one or more Axes on which we draw.

Below the first line asks for a Figure 10 inches by 6 inches; matplotlib takes care of creating an Axes on it for us. After that, we call plot, with times as the data along the x-axis (independant values) and temps as the data along the y-axis (the dependant values).

In [ ]:
# Create a figure and an axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

# Plot times as x-variable and temperatures as y-variable
ax.plot(times, temps)

From there, we can do things like ask the axis to add labels for x and y:

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# Add some labels to the plot

# Prompt the notebook to re-display the figure after we modify it

We can also add a title to the plot:

In [ ]:
ax.set_title('GFS Temperature Forecast', fontdict={'size':16})


Of course, we can do so much more...

In [ ]:
# Set up more temperature data
temps_1000 = np.array([316.0, 316.3, 308.9, 304.0, 302.0, 300.8, 306.2, 309.8,
                       313.5, 313.3, 308.3, 304.9, 301.0, 299.2, 302.6, 309.0,
                       311.8, 304.7, 304.6, 301.8, 300.6, 299.9, 306.3, 311.3])

Here we call plot more than once to plot multiple series of temperature on the same plot; when plotting we pass label to plot to facilitate automatic creation. This is added with the legend call. We also add gridlines to the plot using the grid() call.

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

# Plot two series of data
# The label argument is used when generating a legend.
ax.plot(times, temps, label='Temperature (surface)')
ax.plot(times, temps_1000, label='Temperature (1000 mb)')

# Add labels and title
ax.set_title('Temperature Forecast')

# Add gridlines

# Add a legend to the upper left corner of the plot
ax.legend(loc='upper left')

We're not restricted to the default look of the plots, but rather we can override style attributes, such as linestyle and color. color can accept a wide array of options for color, such as red or blue or HTML color codes. Here we use some different shades of red taken from the Tableau color set in matplotlib, by using tab:red for color.

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

# Specify how our lines should look
ax.plot(times, temps, color='tab:red', label='Temperature (surface)')
ax.plot(times, temps_1000, color='tab:red', linestyle='--',
        label='Temperature (isobaric level)')

# Same as above
ax.set_title('Temperature Forecast')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')


The goal of this tutorial is to provide an overview of the use of the NumPy library. It tries to hit all of the important parts, but it is by no means comprehensive. For more information, try looking at the: